Please keep in mind where we are when making your appointment.
If you want to make an appointment for the Loudonville office, you need to contact them at the phone number listed on the Home page.
The Ashland office does not schedule appointments for them.

We need the following information sent in the body of your e-mail:

  1. Your first and last name.
  2. Your e-mail address.
  3. Your physical home address.
  4. Your home phone number, including area code.
  5. Your work phone number, including area code, if applicable.
  6. Type of insurance, if available (this should be made available at the time of your visit or you will be responsible for the office visit).
  7. Is this a referral? If so, by whom? Please give address and phone number of Doctor.
  8. What is the problem that you are having and how long has it been going on?
  9. If you are making this appointment for someone other than yourself, please give their information, unless you are their caregiver.

We will send you a confirmation e-mail to determine if you still desire an appointment in 24 hours (48 hours if you sent your e-mail over the weekend). We will set up an actual appointment for you when we hear back from you. However, if we should not hear back from you within 72 hours of us sending confirmation of your e-mail, we will not pursue the appointment.

Make Appointment